Our intelligent technology for more environmentally friendly shipping

Our intelligent technology optimises the use of ship cleaning detergents in an environmentally friendly way, enabling the timely dosing of liquids in the vessel’s pipelines while significantly reducing the environmental impact of shipbuilding.


We are proud to be part of the University of Turku and VTT Technology Research Centre of Finland Sustainability Through Information Flows (SusFlow) research project. Our goal is to promote the sustainability of the shipbuilding industry and reduce its environmental impact through our intelligent solutions.

In the SusFlow project, we focus on developing the whole life cycle of a cruise ship, from the construction phase to operation. We want to make the shipbuilding network more open and sustainable, while supporting companies to showcase responsible processes and solutions. We believe that sharing knowledge is key to reducing environmental pollution. The knowledge gathered through this research project can have a positive impact on the industry as a whole.

Waste in ship pipelines is a major problem. With our domestic dispensing equipment, installed for example on cruise ships from Turku Shipyard, we aim to solve this challenge.

our smart technology improves plumbing maintenance on board ships

Our next step is to add sensor technology to our equipment, which will enable more accurate monitoring and control of the ship’s plumbing. Our solutions use machine learning, which allows the ship’s pipelines to self-regulate the detergents and learn from the past. This will improve the cleaning process and facilitate environmental reporting. The technology allows ships in the same fleet to be linked so that they learn from each other’s measurements.

We believe our solutions can significantly improve the sustainability of the shipbuilding industry while reducing its environmental impact. Our aim is to be at the forefront of our field. The potential applications of our technology are not limited to ships, but we can also see its use in other sectors, such as large hotel chains.

The SusFlow research project offers us the opportunity to be part of building a sustainable future. Our solutions can bring predictability and efficiency to the shipbuilding industry. Find out more about our solutions on our website.

Want to learn more? Check out the October 2023 issue of Puhtausala magazine article (in Finnish), where our Business Development Director Mikko Eskola describes our technology and the SusFlow research project in more detail. You can also copy the link here: https://puhtausala.fi/uutishuone/susflow-jotta-laivaliikenne-keinuisi-aalloilla-puhtaammin/

Are you interested in discussing your pipeline cleaning processes with us? Contact us.

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