We are participating SMM 2024 – the leading international maritime trade fair in September.
In Hamburg, SmartPipe is part of a cluster of Finnish companies that provide innovative solutions to maritime industry and onboard applications across the globe. Let us know if you are nearby on September 3–6 and want to discuss how your company could develop even cleaner shipping with our Greenship pipeline management concept. Our ecological solutions are of international interest and we are currently having really interesting discussions about new partnerships in international seas. Join us for a chat and coffee – let’s drive the maritime transition together. Our fellow Finnish companies in Hamburg: ISKU, Lautex Oy, Kavika Oy, Mittametalli Oy, PipeCloud, Vibrol Oy, Woodio, University of Turku and Lahti Region Development LADEC Oy. See more of the event: https://www.smm-hamburg.com/