SmartPipe’s subsidiary Inntech designs and manufactures its own products in Espoo

SmartPipe System’s parent company is InnTech Europe Ltd, which produces high quality dispensing pumps for various applications. InnTech designs and also manufactures its own products in Espoo.

-“For our customers, it is important that product development, production and ecological materials are responsibly and easily available from us in the same pipeline,” says Marco Poulsen, CEO of Inntech.

Inntech was founded in 2004 and since 2008 Panu Kotonen has been responsible for Inntech’s production. Panu also considers it a real added value that product development and production are located in one place in Finland and that we can also flexibly produce customer-specific pump and pump control system solutions.

– From the very beginning, our customers have been shipyards and shipowners. Over the years, Inntech’s business has grown and we also design and manufacture automatic control units for various industries and also for households. Our customers are especially shipyards, shipping companies, wastewater treatment plants and the sauna industry, says Panu Kotonen from his desk at Inntech’s premises in Mankkaa, Espoo.

SmartPipe System and Inntech are domestic key flag companies. An automatic dispenser manufactured by Inntech feeds the SmartPipe microbial solution into the piping system, which removes all organic waste and forms a protective film on the surface of the pipes to keep them clean.
-We want to be involved in helping society through ecologically sustainable solutions. Our product effectively and ecologically eliminates the business risks associated with piping, increases operational reliability and brings clear savings to the business,” concludes Marco Poulsen.

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