BioTroop XPRS – efficient start-up and maintenance of on-board wastewater treatment systems

BioTroop XPRS – efficient start-up and maintenance of on-board wastewater treatment systems

There are situations where ships’ wastewater treatment systems need to be shut down for seasonal maintenance or when they are started up for the first time. In particular, start-up can be challenging when the treatment plant does not yet have a sufficient waste stream. The number of passengers on board may also vary seasonally, which may contribute to the degradation of the biological equipment. This is where SmartPipe’s BioTroop XPRS comes in, offering an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution for the start-up and maintenance of wastewater treatment systems.

The challenges and the BioTroop XPRS solution:

The treatment of wastewater from ships is a complex issue. All cleaning processes are heavily dependent on the functioning of the healthy biomass in the plant. Starting up the system can be difficult, especially in the absence of the necessary waste stream. This happens, for example, when a ship leaves a repair yard.

BioTroop XPRS is a biological booster specifically designed for biological wastewater treatment plants on board ships. The product offers a convenient dry packed option that can be easily activated on-site, promoting the formation of healthy biomass and thus ensuring efficient operation of the wastewater treatment system.

The biomass of any wastewater treatment system should always consist of a healthy mix of dynamic, diverse and stable micro-organism populations. In other words, a set of suitable and sufficiently diverse bacteria. BioTroop XPRS ensures that bacteria work together to reduce organic load and meet water treatment targets.

Start-up options and sludge characteristics:

It is possible, but difficult, to start up a waste water treatment plant by importing biomass from another system. BioTroop XPRS offers an ecological and affordable alternative. The product increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in the absence of seed sludge, thus creating the basis for an efficient biomass treatment system.

Benefits of BioTroop XPRS:
  • The use of BioTroop XPRS enables the growth of biomass in the wastewater treatment system without external starter sludge
  • Effectively reduces the BOD load
  • Improves the operational efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant
  • Reduces odours in waste water tanks
  • The microbes in the product are able to function in different pH and temperature environments
  • Microbes can also work effectively in low-oxygen conditions
  • The microbes contained in the product are resistant to even low concentrations of chlorine

BioTroop XPRS provides ships with a reliable and efficient way to start up and maintain wastewater treatment systems, while promoting environmental values and cost-effectiveness.

biotroop xprs waste water treatment

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